

If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go.

Anthony Bourdain

Welcome to Laki Maikaʻi!

Exploring new destinations, whether driven by leisure or obligation, has long been ingrained in human behavior. While some individuals prefer the security of routine and familiarity, others are drawn to the thrill of discovery and the opportunity to immerse themselves in novel experiences. While historical conflicts have often arisen from territorial disputes and clashes over exploration, in contemporary times, travel has evolved into a lifestyle for many, offering a means to self-discovery and a deeper understanding of one's role in the world.

“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow”

Anita Desai

Who we are

Our family living in Hawaii
© Copyrigh 2024 Laki Maikaʻi. All rights reserved.

We're a family that defies convention, but then again, what truly defines conventionality? Ariana hails from Mongolia, a country once under Soviet control. Chris, on the other hand, boasts a heritage as diverse as the landscapes of his birthplace, France—his Corsican mother, a father from the Alps, and a Swiss grandmother.

Our paths converged serendipitously in Pennsylvania after lives filled with adventure and exploration. From this chance encounter, our family blossomed, now comprising three boys aged 19, 13, and 9.

For us, travel transcends the typical tourist haunts. Instead, we seek out the essence of each locale, immersing ourselves in local customs and rhythms. In many instances, our travels have entailed living in a place for several years, allowing us to truly connect with its soul. Photography is our shared passion, and the images on this site are a testament to our explorations. Alongside our visual adventures, we relish discovering new culinary delights and ingredients.

With roots spanning three continents and cultures, our family embodies the spirit of nomadism, embracing the richness each heritage offers. Despite our diverse backgrounds, our shared values and beliefs unite us as citizens of the world, with equal rights to its wonders.

Our journey through life is not about reaching a destination but about the experiences along the way. We invite you to join us on this voyage, uncovering new landscapes through our original photography. Come travel with us, delve into different cultures, and savor the extraordinary cuisines crafted by people across the globe.

We hope you enjoy this website. Please review our Privacy Policy Disclosure, and don't hesitate to Contact Us.

Airport at sunset
© Copyrigh 2024 Laki Maikaʻi. All rights reserved.

Don’t only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine.

Ludwig van Beethoven

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All photos contained on this website are our own originals and may not be used in any way without prior written consent.